Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Top 10 Reason's I Hate My Sister-In-Law's New Boyfriend

10. For 4 hours on Thanksgiving, he never stopped talking.

9. He mentioned that he had 10 acres in Duchesne at least 20 times.

8. He has three earrings... in just his left ear.

7. He's a bounty hunter... like Dog, not Boba-Fett.

6. He farms pigs on those 10 acres.

5. Every time we had a story, he had a better one. Usually about someone almost dying.

4. He called them cartoons. They are animated features.

3. It's Monsters Inc., not Monster Inc.

2. The word is 'stole' or 'stolen' NOT 'stold'.

1. Did I mention he's got 10 acres in Duchesne?


Breanne said...

Don't you wish YOU could be a bounty hunter like Boba Fett!! I know I do! And at least he doesn't own a beet farm :)

Anonymous said...

Oh gaaa! I hate him too. And now just because our friendship mandates it.


Your Host said...

So your sister-in-law's new boyfriend is a bounty hunting pig farmer from Duschene?

I'd be cranky about that, too. Ewwww.

(It's Tiffany, by the way.)

lramey said...

this is me spilling my piss cuz that's hilarious! Max says "stold" isn't that ok? Oh, you're right, he's 5!!!!

stinky pig farming duschene land owning earring wearing bounty hunter!