Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I want to punch these girls in the face.

From June 20th, 2007...

I placed my order into the speaker box, a number one combo with a large coke and a chocolate shake.

I pulled around and paid the lady in the tiny window.

I drove up to the next window and the girl handed me a bag with my food.

She walked away and I waited.

And I waited some more.

The girl came back and asked me if everything was alright, like I had some issue with the food she handed me a minute earlier.

I pointed out the obvious fact, I hadn't received my drink or shake yet.

Somehow, that confused her. She had to go get another girl. They spoke and then that girl went to get another girl. It was this third girl that came to my window and asked me the same question again, was everything alright?

And now I become a douche.

"Um, no, everything is not alright! No one's given me my drink or my shake!"

Third girl comes back a moment later with my shake, apologizes and tells me to have a nice day.

Third girl walks away.

Now, I'm SuperDouche.

"Where's my coke?!?!" I yelled to the girls that weren't standing anywhere near the window.

First girl comes back.

"What did you order?"

I can't fucking believe it.

"A LARGE COKE! How hard IS this???"

She gets my coke, I snatch it from her hand and drive away.

I want to punch them all in the face.

1 comment:

Breanne said...

Where was this at? I will never go there. (jk) I probably will!