This is one of the first pictures we took of our new wittle kidden Skittles! We got her from a friend of a friend that turned out to be in my mom's ward... total small world! She is the runt of the litter so she is smaller than than she should be. It confused the hell out of the vet when we took her in for her first set of shots a few weeks back.
See how effing tiny and cute she is?!?!?
This is the day she figured out how to get herself into the garbage can. She loved it in there! The fun part was watching her try to get out. She couldn't do it. It was awesome!
So at her first vet appointment she only weighed one pound. This was back on November 6th. A mere three weeks later she weighed in at 2 and a half pounds. She had doubled in size like some freak genetic experiment. I'm sure it's normal for cats to grow so fast but I don't like it. I want her to be a tiny and cute cuddle-bug forever.